1900 - 1920
1995 A-C
1995 D-Z
1996 A-C
1996 D-N
1996 O-R
1996 S-Z
 1997 A-D
1997 E-H
1997 I-O
 1997 P-Q
 1997 R-S
1997 T-Z
1998 A-D
1998 E-F
1998 G-K
1998 L-N
1998 O-P
1998 Q-R
1998 S
1998 T-Z

Useful Info
History Sites

1998 A-D        R

achiever adc-65, adc-100 vintage digital camera 1998

ACHIEVER ADC-65, ADC-65(s), ADC-100, ANSCO DIGIPIX (see below), REMINGTON DIGIT - 1998. Produced in Hong Kong apparently beginning in the late 1990's and continuing for a number of years. Drivers currently advertised are for Windows 95, 98, and 2000. Very small camera. Specs are the same for the 65 and 100 except that the 65 had a 256 x 256 pixel CMOS sensor with 15 image storage and the 100 a 320 x 240 pixel sensor with 7 image storage. MSRP Seemed to have varied from $130-160 with actual price being as low as $40. May have also sold under the Vesta and Coolcam names. 





agfa ephoto 780 vintage digital camera black 1998 Agfa ephto 780 kit

Agfa_ePhoto_780c vintagedigitalcamera blue 1998 Agfa Ephoto 780C
AGFA ePhoto 780 and 780c(Kinon DC-33, Seagull DC-33, Polaroid PDC-640)  - 1998.  1024 x 768 pixel CCD.  Fixed-focus 50mm f/4.5 lens.  Shutter 1/30 to 1/1000 second.  Similar to the original ePhoto 780, the ePhoto 780c had XGA resolution (1024 by 768 - interpolated). The ePhoto 780c had a metallic blue housing.  MSRP for both cameras was $199. 


agfa ephoto 1680 vintage digital camera 1998 
AGFA  ePhoto 1680 - 1998.  1280 x 960 CCD (interpolated to 1600 x 1200).  Manufactured by Sanyo.  ISO 100.  3X Zoom 38mm to 114mm f/2.8 lens.  Shutter 1/2 to 1/500 second. MSRP: $699. 





AGFA CL30 - 1998.  Marketed 1999.  USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface and a maximum resolution of 1440 x 1080 pixels using Agfa's PhotoGenie image enhancement (interpolation) technology. The non-interpolated High mode captured 1152 x 864 sized images. The user could also select 1024 x 768, 640 x 480 or a special b/w Text mode 1152 x 864.  Lens: f/2.8 - 8.0.  Shutter 1/30 - 1/700 second.   MARP $450.


AGFA EPHOTO CL50 - 1998.  Marketed in Feruary of 1999.  1280 x 960 pixels.  ISO 100.  Shutter 1/500 sec.  Lens F2.8-8, 34-102mm.  A unique feature is the capability to turn off the backlight and use sunlight to illuminate the LCD (Agfa calls it Suncatcher Illumination). MSRP $850



AGFA EPHOTO SMILE ADC-CL15U - 1998.  A very inexpensive camera usually selling for less than $100.  Made in China, but marketed with the Afga name.  Buyers generally give it very poor marks for photo quality.  Resolution: 640 x 480.  Lens: 40mm.  2MB internal memory.  Windows 95/98.




ansco digipix vintage digital camera 1998

ANSCO DIGIPIX (ACHIEVER ADC-65, ADC-100, REMINGTON DIGIT) - Produced in Hong Kong apparently beginning in the late 1990's and continuing for a number of years. Drivers currently advertised are for Windows 95, 98, and 2000. Very small camera.  MSRP Seemed to have varied from $130-160 with actual price being as low as $40. May have also sold under the Vesta and Coolcam names. 


ansco mustek vdc-3500 vintage digital camera 1998
ANSCO VDC-3500 - 1998.  The Mustek VDC-3500 has been marketed as the Ansco VDC-3500 (also the Relisys Dimera 3500, TECO Image Systems Dimera 3500, Trust PhotoCam Plus, Mustec VDC 3500), but we have found no photo of the Ansco version.  640 x 480 pixel CCD.  ISO 200.  F/4 35mm lens. Shutter 1/3- to 1/10,000 second. 



aol photocam vintagedigitalcamera 1998aol photocam plus vintage digital camera 1998 Aol PhotoCam kit AOL PhotoCam Plus Kit

AOL PhotoCam and PhotoCam Plus (1997 OEM Pretec DC-600, Premier DC-620 and Mirage Image) - 1998.   1/4-inch 640 x 480 pixel CCD.  ISO 200.  F/4 45mm fixed-focus lens.  Shutter 1/15 to 1/10,000 second.  Difference between the two: 2MB internal memory in PhotoCam, 8MB in PhotoCam Plus.   The PhotoCam on the left cost us $30 on eBay.  The Plus  model on the right cost $60 as it is still in its factory sealed package.



Argus DC 100 - Note Green lens  surround          Argus DC 2000 - Note Blue lens surround        Argus DC 2000i with translucent cover             Argus DC 2000 mislabeled as DC 100

Argus DC 100 - Note Green lens surround                                                              Argus DC 2000 mislabled DC 100 - Note blue lens surround, but DC 100 label on camera

ARGUS DC 100, DC 2000/100 MISLABELED, DC 2000, DC 2000i - 1998.  All produced by Minton Optics of Taiwan.  Most specs for all three cameras are similar: CCD .35MP 1/4 inch, resolution 640x480, lens f/5.23mm, aperture 1:2:8.  DC 100 shutter 1/ 20 to 1/10,00 sec.  DC 2000 and 2000i shutter 1 sec to 1/10,000 sec.  The DC 2000/100 mislabel is somehwhat like stamps that have been inproperly printed.  According to the manufacturer, some DC 2000 models, while packaged as DC 2000, were accidentally labeled as DC 100 on the camera.  Note that the DC 100 has a green area around the lens while the DC 2000 is blue.  The DC 2000i is the same as the DC 2000, but with a translucent blue outer body.  Alll with MSRPs around $199.  (Mislabeled Rare on U.S. eBay)



CANON ZR (U.S.) MV100 (Europe) CV11 (Japan)  CAMCORDER / DIGITAL STILL CAMERA - 1998. The ZR had an 11x optical zoom lens with 44x digital zoom with two recording modes: a movie mode for video, and a photo mode for digital still images. 2.5 inch LCD screen with 180,000 pixels.  1/4 inch, 470,000-pixel CCD sensor with electronic image stabilization and seven programmed auto-exposure modes.  MSRP about $1,500. (Apr 1998).


canon powershot a5 vintage digitalcamera 1998 Canon PowerShot A5 kit
CANON PowerShot A5/A5 Zoom - 1998.  1/3-inch 1024 x 768 pixel CCD.  ISO 100-400.  35mm f/2.5 (A5) or 28mm to 70mm (A5 zoom) lens.  Shutter 1/6 to 1/750 second. MSRP $399. 


CANON POWERSHOT A50 1998.   Marketed April 1999.  Improved version of the A5/A5 Zoom.  CCD 1280 x 960.  Lens 2.5 zoom 28-70mm, F2.6 - 4.0, Shutter: 1/6-1/750 second.  Compact Flash memory.  Recording with the A50 can be done in one of three modes:  Automatic - camera picks best shutter speed and aperture, white balance and flash set to auto, this is point-n-shoot mode.  Program - the user can adjust exposure compensation and flash mode.  Stitch Assist - unique to the A50, allows easy creation of panorama files in veretical, horizontal or 2x2 grids. Photos are displayed on the LCD as taken and act as guides for overlap and alignment of the panorama.  MSRP $499.


canon powershot pro70 vintage digital camera 1998
CANON PowerShot Pro70 - 1998.  1/2-inch 1536 x 1024 pixel CCD.  ISO 100-400.  3X zoom 28mm to 70mm f/2.0 lens.  Shutter 1/2 to 1/8000 second. 


canon eos d6000 dslr vintage digital camera 1998
CANON EOS D6000 (Kodak DCS 560) - 1998.  SLR. 3040 x 2008 pixel CCD.  ISO 80-200.  Shutter 30 to 1/8000 seconds.  (The D6000 is Very Rare on U.S. eBay)


canoneos d2000 vintage dslr digitalcamera 1998
CANON EOS D2000 (Kodak DCS 520) - 1998.  SLR. 1728  x 1152 pixel CCD.  ISO 200-1600.    Shutter 1/8000 to 30 seconds.  (The D2000 is Very Rare on U.S. eBay)


chang w. lee newyork times photographer 9/11 2001 photographerchang lee canon eos d2000 vintagedigital camera 1998

AN OUTSTANDING PHOTOGRAPHER AND HIS CAMERA .  The above Canon EOS D2000 previouly owned by Mr. Chang W. Lee, noted photographer for the New York Times and winner of the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Photography, was used by Mr. Lee to photograph the events of September 11, 2001, shown below. Born in Pusan, Korea, in 1968, Mr. Lee came to the United States in 1986 and graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1993.

9/11 2001 collapsed building by chang lee 9/11 2001 twintower collapsing photo by chang lee9/11 2001 collapsed building photo by chang lee

9/11 2001 stree debris photo by chang lee 



casio qv-770 vintage digital camera 1998 Casio QV-770 kit
CASIO QV-770 - 1998.  1/4-inch 640 x 480 pixel CCD.  Fixed-focus 38mm (with macro) f/2 lens.  Shutter 1/8 to 1/4000 second. 



casio qv-780 vintage digital camera 1998
CASIO QV-780 - 1998.  1/4-inch 640 x 480 pixel CCD.  38mm f/2 lens.  Shutter 1/8 to 1/4000 second. 


casio qv-7000sx vintage digitalcamera 1998
CASIO QV-5000SX - 1998.  1/3-inch 1280 x 960 pixel CCD.  Autofocus 35mm f/2.8 lens.  Shutter 1/8 to 1/5000 second.


casio qv-7000sx vintage digital camera 1998 Casio QV-7000SX kit
CASIO QV-7000SX - 1998.  1/3-inch 1280 x 960 pixel CCD.  Autofocus 2X Zoom 32mm to 64mm zoom f/2,8 lens.  (Rare on U.S. eBay)


casio hu-7000 transparent water-proof housing for  qv-7000sx vintage digital camera 1998 
CASIO HU-7000 - 1998.  In late 1998 Casio announced a water resistant case for the QV-7000SX that is typical of similar cases by a number of manufacturers for particular models of digicams.  The polycarbonate HU-7000 was rated as watertight to nine meters by the manufacturer.  Such cases can also be used to protect a digicam from hostile environmental conditions such as rain, sand, snow, etc.


Casio ZR-1 Petitr Colle digital camera

CASIO ZR-1 PETIT COLLE - 1998 -   The Japanese Historical Camera Museum lists the ZR-1 as  a 2000 model  camera.   Flickr.com lists it as a 1999 model camera.  A third site lists it as a model 1998 camera.   Regardless, its CCD was 1/4-inch, 80,000 pixels with F2.8 lens.  Digital camera, but with a built-in monochrome printer rather than external memory capability.  Camera printed onto seals that were supplied for that purpose and then placed in supplied frames.    A number of differences and improvements over the King Jim printer camera of 1991.    Sold as a toy in Japan.    Strangely, although only sold in Japan, and the manual is in Japanese, the markings on the ouside are in English.  (Rare on U.S. eBay)




Photo by digicammuseum.com

CLAXAN DC-800 (Maginon DC-800, Pretec DC-800, Polaroid PDC-700, etc.) - 1998.  1/3-inch 1024 x 768 CCD.  Autofocus 35mm lens. F 3.5.  Dennis van Hall reports that this is actually the camera commonly mistakenly sited on the web as the DC-8 (see URL below).   Shutter 1/30 to 1/10,000 second.  MSRP $300.


color crisp carnival vintage digital studio camera back 1998

COLOR CRISP Carnival 2020 - 1998. Digital back by the Denmark company, Color Crisp. 12MB. MSRP $19,995. 



1998 A-D

1900 - 1920
1995 A-C
1995 D-Z
1996 A-C
1996 D-N
1996 O-R
1996 S-Z
 1997 A-D
1997 E-H
1997 I-O
 1997 P-Q
 1997 R-S
1997 T-Z
1998 A-D
1998 E-F
1998 G-K
1998 L-N
1998 O-P
1998 Q-R
1998 S
1998 T-Z

Useful Info
History Sites